Canada’s National Blacksmith Conference
Since 1997, CanIRON has been the premier biennial blacksmithing gathering, aimed at fostering friendship, collaboration, and skills development. The initial purpose of the event was for the betterment of all who attend, to exchange thoughts, ideas, procedures, technology, etc. and then take the knowledge back home and share.
“This event is not just for people who are practicing blacksmiths. It will inspire artists and designers of all media, anyone with an involvement or interest in metal, and those who are totally unfamiliar with the craft” –G.Haverstock, CBBA president
Held every second year, CanIRON moves west to east across Canada and is hosted alternately by eastern and western Canadian blacksmithing associations. The conference features presenters and demonstrators from a wide variety of metal working disciplines.
more about CanIRON